Leadership Labs

A Digital Presentation for Marketplace Leaders

Leadership Labs with special guest Jenny Boyett

Does it bother you when a co-worker…

Spends the first 15 minutes of a meeting with small talk? Who has time for that?

Always points out a mistake or an error? If you don’t have anything nice to say...

Struggles to make a decision on anything? Just pick one, will you?

At our next online Leadership Labs, Jenny Boyett explains how our wiring colors the way we communicate. She’ll explain why you get along well with some of your office mates and why others just seem to frustrate you. And before the session is over, Jenny will give you simple next steps to help you improve your communication with just about everyone you work with.

Here’s how to access this free content:

  1. Register to receive access to our online Leadership Labs content.
  2. Invite a friend or co-worker to register and watch the premiere with you.
  3. Join us online from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. on July 18 for Leadership Labs. The video will be available on demand after the premiere.

We’ll also provide a resource for teams to discuss the content together.

Spread the word and join us for the next online Leadership Lab!

Meet our Speaker

jenny boyett

Jenny Boyett is the co-founder of The ColorWorks Group, a training company teaching people how their natural wiring colors their communication. She served in the nonprofit sector for 20 years focusing on leader development, relationship management, and public relations. She’s a communicator, a trainer, and a single mother to four daughters (three of them triplets!). She is a graduate of Georgia Southern University, a master facilitator for the Table Group, and a big proponent of counseling.