Leadership Labs
A Digital Presentation for Marketplace Leaders

Notes from the Talk
The Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX) are:
- Focus on the Wildly Important
- Act on the Lead Measures
- Keep a Compelling Scoreboard
- Create a Cadence of Accountability
Personal Reflection Questions
- Do you struggle more with strategy or execution?
- Anytime the majority of people are doing something you don’t want them to do, the people aren’t the problem. Your system is. Is there a system in your organization or team that could use your attention?
- A good rule of thumb is for 80 percent of your work life to be spent doing your day job with excellence, with the other 20 percent focused on a future Wildly Important Goal. What do you think your ratio is? Where are you spending disproportionate energy?
- Consider a challenge you are currently experiencing in your organization or on your team. Work through the four disciplines of execution framework to develop a Wildly Important Goal (WIG), lead measures, a compelling scoreboard, and a cadence of accountability.
Team Discussion Questions
- Does your team tend to take on more good ideas than you have capacity to execute? What could it look like to say no to some of them and focus on fewer?
- Teams who learn to put consistent energy into nonurgent activities have a unique competitive advantage. Where is your team currently spending its energy? What could it look like for your team to adopt a “whirlwind plus one” focus, where 80 percent of your effort is spent doing the day job with excellence (your whirlwind of activity), and the other 20 percent is focused on a Wildly Important Goal (WIG)?
- What WIG could your team pursue to solve an organizational challenge?
- After establishing your WIG, complete the remaining disciplines to determine your team’s lead measures, compelling scoreboard, and a cadence of accountability.
Additional Resources

The 4 Disciplines of Execution
Read the book by Chris McChesney.

Learn more about the coaching, assessment, and leadership services provided by FranklinCovey.

Past Leadership Labs
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