Fostering Together

Fostering isn't a one-family job.

family learning to ride a bike

Make a Difference for a child in foster care.

What is Fostering Together?
fostering together video

It can be overwhelming to know exactly how to help a child in foster care. You may wonder what you can do. We can help you find a way to serve a child in need.

Fostering Together is a foster care ministry. We also welcome kinship and adoptive families to trainings, events, and social gatherings.

Attend an Orientation

Learn more about various ways to make a difference.

Be a CarePortal Responder

Be a CarePortal Responder

  • Receive alerts when needs arise.
  • Support vulnerable children.
  • Strengthen families.
  • Prevent children from entering foster care.

Learn More

Be a Meal Support Volunteer

Be a Meal Support Volunteer

  • Serve once a month.
  • Sign up as a community group or individual.
  • Provide dinner for a busy foster family. 

Learn More

older couple who enjoy being supporting mentors

Be a Supporting Mentor

  • Serve two to three times each month.
  • Mentor children.
  • Babysit.
  • Provide meals and transportation.

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Fostering together respite

Be a Respite Family

  • Serve weekly.
  • Mentor children.
  • Babysit.
  • Provide meals and transportation.
  • Provide overnight care for children.

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Be a Foster Family

Be a Foster Family

  • Serve daily.
  • Care for children 24/7. 
  • Welcome children for an undetermined period of time.

Learn More

Have you already jumped in?

If you are already fostering, respiting, or caring for kids in a kinship situation, we’d love to get to know you.

Connect With Us

Hear stories from people like you who have made a difference.

mom holding child up in the air

"Fostering is a true work of heart."

"We couldn’t and wouldn’t be successful on this journey without the prayers, care, and support of our Fostering Together team. So thankful and forever grateful!"

Make a Difference as a Respite Family
respite family video thumbnail
Make a Difference as a Foster Family
foster families video thumbnail
Make a Difference as a Supporting Mentor
supporting mentor video
How Our Model Works
fostering together video

If you have questions about Fostering Together, contact [email protected]. Or visit our website