Leadership Labs
An Online Presentation for Marketplace Leaders

The Six Types of Working Genius
The Genius of Wonder: the natural gift of pondering the possibility of greater potential and opportunity in a given situation
The Genius of Invention: the natural gift of creating original and novel ideas and solutions
The Genius of Discernment: the natural gift of intuitively and instinctively evaluating ideas and situations
The Genius of Galvanizing: the natural gift of rallying, inspiring, and organizing others to take action
The Genius of Enablement: the natural gift of providing encouragement and assistance for an idea or project
The Genius of Tenacity: the natural gift of pushing projects or tasks to completion to achieve results
Personal Reflection Questions
- Have you previously experienced job dissatisfaction, frustration, or burnout? Looking back, how much of your time was spent in a working frustration?
- Can you identify your working genius? How often do you currently get to leverage your working geniuses in your job?
- Do you spend a significant portion of your time operating in a working competency? Are there changes you could make or recommend in order to operate more fully in your working genius?
Team Discussion Questions
- Can you identify the two working geniuses, two working competencies, and two working frustrations for those on your team?
- Does each team member get to leverage a working genius frequently in their role? If not, are there changes you could make to tap into each other’s natural gifts?
- Are there geniuses missing on your team? If yes, what steps could you take to fill the gaps and increase productivity for your team?