Leadership Labs
A Digital Presentation for Marketplace Leaders

Notes from the Talk
The habit loop is a neurological loop that causes habits to develop and stick. It consists of three parts: the cue, routine, and reward.
Some habits matter more than others.
A keystone habit is a small change or habit that triggers a chain reaction of other positive behaviors.
Personal Reflection Questions
- Consider your daily routines. Can you identify a habit that’s had a positive impact on your life?
- Think about a habit you’ve struggled to maintain in life or at work. What obstacles prevented you from following through on this habit? What cue, routine, and reward could help you stick to this habit?
- What are the keystone habits at your workplace? Is there a new keystone habit that could make a significant difference on your team or in your organization? Consider watching this video with your co-workers and talking through the team discussion questions.
Team Discussion Questions
- What’s a habit that has been beneficial in your life? Can you identify a cue, routine, and reward that made it a habit for you?
- Can you identify keystone habits for your team or organization?
- Is there a new keystone habit that could make an impact in a specific area of your business (productivity, sales, etc.)? If so, work together to craft a cue, routine, and reward associated with it and begin a new habit together.