Session One

Check The Foundation

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Many of the beliefs you carry today were formed during childhood. You have the option to evaluate them, determining where they came from and whether they are true or false. The first step to your renovation is checking the foundation to determine the areas of your life that need overhaul.

After you watch the video, take some time to complete the exercises in the Design Plan and answer the Questions for Reflection below.

Complete the “Identifying False Beliefs” exercise provided. Then take some time to answer the Questions for Reflection below. 

Identifying False Beliefs

  1. Often, we play back experiences in our lives. Someone said something to us, and we still remember it. Or something happened to us, and we still think about it today. What key positive experience or event has influenced you?

  2. What key negative experience or event has influenced you?

  3. How did the key positive experience or event influence you?

  4. How did the key negative experience or event influence you?

  5. Which false belief(s) that you checked surprised you? Can you determine what experience or event influenced that belief?

To explore further, we have provided an optional exercise to help you discover common influential relationships and events and common beliefs and behaviors that are often by-products of them. 

Influences: Common By-Products