Session Three

Take Out the Trash

Watch Session Three
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When we think about forgiveness, we tend to focus on our relationships with other people. When we do so, forgiveness may not seem worth the effort, because those relationships often can’t be restored even when we forgive. But forgiveness has a greater purpose: the restoration of our relationship with Christ. A lack of forgiveness can be one of the biggest hindrances to living fully free. When we refuse to forgive, it becomes toxic to us, changes our behavior, and causes us to hold Jesus at arm’s length. 

After you watch the video, complete the exercises in the Design Plan, and take some time to answer the Questions for Reflection below. 

Complete the “Forgiveness” exercise provided.

Forgiveness Exercise

  1. In this session, forgiveness was defined as “a choice you make, through faith in God, to give up the right to hold another person accountable for the wrong done to you.” What about that definition makes you uncomfortable? What makes sense to you?

  2. Which of the following aspects of forgiveness do you have a hard time believing? 

    Forgiveness ≠ A feeling or emotion
    Forgiveness ≠ Excusing the other person’s behavior
    Forgiveness ≠ Forgetting
    Forgiveness ≠ Reconciliation

  3. Most of us have withheld the extension of forgiveness at different points in our lives. What happens to people, mentally or physically, when they choose not to forgive?

  4. How do you know that you’ve forgiven someone?