Leadership Labs with Jenny Boyett
An Online Presentation for Marketplace Leaders

The Four Temperaments Framework
- Yellows are wired to speak the language of people and fun. They’re extroverted and often speak before they think. They’re people-oriented, which means they prioritize people and their feelings.
- Reds are wired to speak the language of power and control. They’re extroverted, so they speak boldly and confidently. Reds are task-oriented and will get things done at all costs—even when people get in the way.
- Blues are wired to speak the language of perfection and order. They’re introverted and take time to process their thoughts before speaking. They’re task-oriented, so they tend to prioritize tasks over people.
- Greens are wired to speak the language of calm and harmony. They’re introverted, which means they think before speaking. They’re also people-oriented and prioritize people above all else.

Personal Reflection Questions
- Can you identify your temperament? How do you see your temperament on display in your workplace?
- Have you ever had a misunderstanding where you said (or heard) one thing and a co-worker heard (or said) something entirely different? Looking back, can you spot two different temperaments at work?
- Going forward, what can you do to speak the language of the temperaments that are different from your own?
Team Discussion Questions
- What is the balance of introverts and extroverts on your team? Task-oriented vs. people-oriented? How do those differences shape your team’s dynamic?
- If you haven’t already, share what you think your temperament is. Can you (or your teammates) point to any examples of how your temperament is displayed at work?
- Going forward, what can you do to the speak the language of the different temperaments on your team?