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Voices: Sandra Stanley

Sandra Stanley
Jun 19, 2022

Sandra Stanley shares five wishes she has for all of us.

Voices: Gerald Fadayomi

Gerald Fadayomi
Jun 05, 2022

It’s possible to look for all the right things in all the wrong places.

Paper Walls

Andy Stanley
Jan 2022

There’s a fine line between a reason and an excuse. It's time to abandon the excuses.

Keeping Your Soul Sane in Seasons of Change

Clay Scroggins
Aug 01, 2021

In seasons of change, it's good to remind ourselves who God is and who we are.

Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets

Andy Stanley
Jan-Feb 2021

When we ask ourselves the right questions, answer honestly, then act appropriately, we make better decisions with fewer regrets. But what...
