
Understanding Who God Is

Understanding Who God Is

Catch up or rewatch previous weeks here:

Week One: The Father →
Session One: God’s Description of Himself
Session Two: The Prodigal Son
Session Three: The Prodigal Father

Week Two: Jesus →
Session One: God in a Body
Session Two: Jesus’s Death
Session Three: Jesus’s Resurrection

Week Three: The Holy Spirit →
Session One: The Trinity
Session Two: The Roles of the Holy Spirit
Session Three: Living Empowered by the Holy Spirit


God's Description of Himself
Understanding Who God Is


  1. Read Exodus 34:6–7. What stands out from this description?
  2. Why do you think God reveals his character gradually instead of all at once?
The Prodigal Son
Understanding Who God Is


What do you learn about the Father from Luke 15:11–32?

The Prodigal Father
Understanding Who God Is


This week we’d like you to explore Exodus 34. We watched the Introduction to the BibleProject series based on this passage, and we’d like you to watch two more episodes before we meet next week. Each one focuses on a different word:



God in a Body
Understanding Who God Is


  1. Is there anything about Jesus that conflicts with the view of God you grew up with? If so, what? 
  2. Does your view of God today align with your view of Jesus?
Jesus's Death
Understanding Who God Is


  1. Can you relate to believing that you need to do certain things to be accepted into heaven? Where did that belief come from?
  2. Jesus invites us to transfer trust from our own efforts to Jesus’s sacrificial death for our sins. How does transferring our trust change the way we interact with God?
Jesus's Resurrection
Understanding Who God Is

Next Steps:

If you are currently exploring faith or are brand-new to faith, this week may have raised some questions for you about who Jesus is and what it looks like to trust him. If you’d like to have a conversation with someone on staff, send us an email or consider joining a Starting Point Group. Starting Point is a safe place where you can have a conversation about faith with leaders who know what it’s like to be where you are and are here to help you on your journey. 



The Trinity
Understanding Who God Is


Have you heard the Trinity described before? How does it impact the way you view God?

The Roles of the Holy Spirit
Understanding Who God Is


  1. Have you experienced the Holy Spirit work in one of the ways we described? Share your experience.
  2. Can you think of any other roles of the Holy Spirit?
Living Empowered by the Holy Spirit
Understanding Who God Is

Next Steps:

Here are some other ways you can grow your faith: 

  • Explore faith and ask more questions in Starting Point.
    Explore Faith →
  • Join a group to connect with others, and prioritize your spiritual growth.
    Join a Group →
  • Connect with a mentor during a difficult season.
    Connect →
  • Volunteer on a team in the church or in the community.
    Volunteer →