Restore Curriculum

Welcome to Restore.

restore finding peace in the midst of grief

Regardless of how out-of-control your current circumstances seem, your life is telling a story and that story does have meaning and purpose. While this might be a difficult and painful chapter of your life, it is not the end of the book. You’re story isn’t over. It may feel all-consuming right now, but you can and will discover life beyond your loss. As you work through the sessions with your mentor, you will have the opportunity to talk more about your story.

Each week, you will have a short reading and some exercises in your book to help you begin to put what you read into practice. The resources listed below are available to help take you a step further each week.

The Restore Curriculum

Session One: Your Story

Session Two: Set Realistic Expectations

Session Three: Manage the Emotions

Session Four: Your Unique Grief Journey

Session Five: Where's God?

Session Six: The Road Ahead

Additional Resources